An impressive and deeply relaxing, angelic tantric massage is done by very soft touches of the finger tips, palms and “angelic wings”. The Angelic tantric massage returns you back to your true nature and helps you to reconnect with your soul.
Angeic tantric massage awakens and heals the energies of the heart and opens you toward giving and receiving love. This massage is an overall body massage and although it doesn´t aim for it, it can make you feel sensual shivers – anyway, the touches of your “angel” will not be of sexual manner.
This massage eliminates stress and mental tensions, leaves you in the state of divine love and deep peace.
Angelic tantric massage opens the gates into the world of deep tantric experiences and selfknowledge to the ones, who are not sure, which step is the first one in the direction to tantra.
- during the angelic tantric massage you can be naked, the therapist will be dressed in nice underwear.
- we offer angelic massage for women, men, couples and also fourhands.
- you can choose a massage for 1,5 or 2 hours